Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Towards Equality Of Women Essay Example for Free

Towards E attribute Of Women Es place directlyadays, gender became a very sensitive issue. The word gender is not only limited to womens rightist and maleness. Other than that, feminist dismissments ar very active. They claim that man and women should be equally treated. Certain jobs and c beer should not be limited to a specific gender. There is besides a kind of feminist movement that claims that women batch do masculine work and engage in masculine sports. Examples atomic number 18 women who are working as cab drivers, police, and soldiers and joining sports such as weight lifting, wrestling, and boxing. defines amazon womens liberation movement as follows amazon womens lib is dedicated to the image of the female hero in fiction and in fact, as it is expressed in art and literature, in the physiques and feats of female athletes, and in sexual values and practices.Amazon feminism is concerned roughly individualal equality and is opposed to gender ro le stereotypes and discrimination against women based on assumptions that women are supposed(p) to be, look or behave as if they are passive, weak and physi pealy helpless.Amazon feminism rejects the predilection that certain characteristics or interests are inherently masculine (or feminine), and upholds and explores a vision of heroic wo humans. Thus Amazon feminism advocates e.g., female strength athletes, martial artists, soldiers, etc. TG In my own opinion, feminism and masculinity are only defined by the hostel. Masculinity just varies and it depends on how it is viewed in a elaboration. For example, in that respect was a time in Japan when crying and being soft was their idea of masculinity. This view of masculinity top executive shock us because of our modern view but there was a time when it really existed in Japan. It is very interesting to know that there was as well a time in Japan when masculinity means being a warrior or a samurai. It only means that an era or kitchen-gardening sets the standard of masculinity and there is no such thing as absolute masculinity. On the other(a) hand, there are people who think that there is such word as too masculine. It only means that an image or nature of work display too much quality that only man scum bag satisfy. This word disqualifies any woman from doing or fulfilling that too masculine province. Now that we are living in a modern society, I think that the word too masculine is no longer applicable. Thanks to some feminist movements, economic aider or any other responsibility are no longer limited to a specific gender. Any person, man or woman, is entitle to a career or responsibility as long as he or she is qualified. Actually, there are a lot of woman who are excelling in those fields which are traditionally for men.Examples are successful political runningers such as Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of the Philippines, Benazir Bhuto of Pakistan, and Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain. They have pro ven that women can lead a nation as long as effective as men. Here, we can see that leadership position in the field of politics is no longer too masculine for a woman.Personally, I dont believe in the word too masculine anymore. When I was a endureer student, I used to believe that each gender has a specific responsibility assignment. For example, taking care of children is for women only because of their gentle nature. But now, my mind was opened by feminist movements. Women can do rugged work because they can also display strong character. On the other hand, men can also take the responsibility of women because they also have a gentle side. Although feminist movements promote gender equality, it also has a negative impact in our society. Based on what I observe in our society, manhood is no longer respectable. Sometimes, I feel that women are abusing gender equality. As a matter of fact, there is a kind of feminist movement which claims that men are no longer needed in the so ciety. It is called radical feminism. defines radical feminism as followsRadical feminism is a philosophy emphasizing the antiquated roots of inequality between men and women, or, more specifically, social dominance of women by men. Radical feminism views patriarchy as dividing rights, privileges and power primarily by gender, and as a result oppressing women and privileging men.Radical feminists tend to be more militant in their approach (radical as getting to the root). Radical feminism opposes subsisting political and social organization in general because it is inherently tied to patriarchy. Thus, radical feminists tend to be skeptical of political action within the current system, and instead support cultural change that undermines patriarchy and associated hierarchical structures. Even media promotes an image of a man that is submissive to women. Example is the Ax deo spray commercial message where men act like sex slaves of women. Also, media nowadays suggest t hat women can use sex and their physical beauty to manipulate men. During our pre-agricultural past, when men and women are still hunters and gatherers, gender equality already exists. We can say that gender equality already exists because men and women are living in a egalitarian society. They had what we call values of belonging which is characterized by self restraint, generosity and mutuality. As explained by Carol Finders in end-to-end the eons that preceded the agricultural revolution, Flinders notes, our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. Certain values are intrinsic to that way of life wherever it is lived. Self-restraint, generosity, mutuality, balance, and a warm reverent connection to the earth and other creatures are all adaptive to a nomadic, foraging existence. They are the values of Belonging, and they defined the human condition for so long they exist still in longing, in faint memory as an indestructible stratum in consciousness itself. On the other han d, the elaboration of enterprise started to emerge during agricultural development. manpower and women started to acquire their own property. In the culture of enterprise, aggression and controversy are prevalent. As stated by FindersWith the rise of agriculture and city-states, beginning just ten grand years ago, a new set of values became adaptive irreverence, provideingness to exploit the natural world for gain ground acquisitiveness, aggression, and competitiveness. The values of Enterprise.I think that it is not necessary to take more of values of belonging because it is no longer applicable to our society. Culture of enterprise is well stabilized in our society and changing it may cause instability. Although aggression and inequality is inevitable in the culture of enterprise, I believe that we can rule it by promoting positive values such as justice and respect. I chose education as a subject area to discuss the contrast between values of belonging and culture of ent erprise. It is obvious that the culture of enterprise is very dominant in field of education. Nowadays, education is used to promote a person from his or her current social status. We can notice that mostly, education is only exclusives to the rich and middle fork people.It is because educating the poor will surely uplift the status of poor people. If everyone can have an equal luck for education, poverty will be lessen. Here, the characteristic of the culture of enterprise is very evident and these are aspiration and acquisitiveness. We cant deny the fact that educated people acquire the most number of properties and wealth. Meanwhile, if our society is still living in the values of belonging, definitely education will be free for all. Because in the values of belonging, everyone is equal and there is no competition. We can apply the culture of enterprise to those societies where there is gender inequality. In those cultures where women are treated as second class citizen, women are deprived of the rights to education. It is because education can uplift the status of women in the society. better women will threaten the status of men in the society. Educated women can acquire more property than educated women. Here we can see that there is aggression and competition which are qualities of culture of enterprise. I believe that moving the values of belonging can be a solution to this gender inequality in education because the said values promote equality. When we move to the values of belonging, there will be an absence of competition between men and women in the society. Men will not be threatened by educated women. Equal opportunity for education will be easy to achieve.http//

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