Sunday, April 14, 2019

Obeserving bacteris and blood Essay Example for Free

Obeserving bacteris and blood EssayObjectivesThere were two major goals of the Observing Bacteria and production line experiment. The first was to establish a familiarity with the proper techniques for using a microscope. The experiment concentere on both the basic components of a microscope (i.e. how to adjust the knobs and levers for the desired result) as well as how do decide the proper objective to use for observing a specimen. The second goal major goal of this experiment was to approach pattern observing live specimens (yogurt and blood). ProceduresExercise 1 Observation of alert slues using the microscope. The observation of the 8 nimble slides was performed by making adjustments to the microscope (focus, condenser, light) in order to establish a clear image of the specimen. The slide was viewed through and through the 10x, 40x, and 100x objectives and all observations were recorded in the tables below.Exercise 23 Observationof yogurt and blood. The yogurt and bloo d slides were prep ared as described in the Labpaq manual. The slides were observed using the 10x, 40x, and 100x objectives and all observations were recorded in the tables below.Observations/ResultsExercise 1SampleObservations array 1Part 2150x600x1500x (Oil Immersion)Amoeba proteusAnabaenaAscaris Eggse slideParameciumPenicillium w/conidiaYeastyogurt bacteriaExercise 2 3SampleObservations150X600x1500xEx 2Fresh yoghourtEx 3Blood SmearPhotos/Drawings (Insert and label images here. If image file (JPEG or GIF) sizes are as well large they may be uploaded separately.)Analysis/Interpretation Based on the observations detailed above, it can be concluded that the microscope is a powerful tool in the observation of organisms that are small in size. It was strategic to consecrate a number of objectives of different magnifying power in order to be able to roll in the hay the level of magnification needed to best study a judge. In addition, the examination of the yogurt sample allowed fo r the observation of the varying shapes and arrangement of bacterial cells. The use of a microscope to observe the blood smear highlighted the umteen important components of human blood that are not evident by the naked eye.Application In performing this experiment I have learned many important aspects of microbiology that apply to healthcare. First, there is weed of information that can be discovered by looking at a sample infra the microscope size, arrangement, number of organism. For example, this information can be utilized in making an initial identification on a patient sample in a hospital laboratory. Second, some microorganisms can be proficient such as those bacteria that can be cultured from yogurt. Furthermore, these microorganisms can also be used to build back a healthy population of intestinal bacteria in patients who have deep been taking antibiotics.Answers to the LabPaq Questions1) Questions A. Identifythe following parts of the microscope and describe the func tionof each.a. Ocular- eyepiece transmits and magnifies the image form the objective lens to the eye.b.Body/tube-holds the eyepiece at proper standoffishness from the objective lens and blocks light.c.Nosepiece- rotating mount that hold objective lens.d.Objective Lens- gathers light for the specimen.e.Mechanical Stage- holds the specimen.f.Apeture occlusive control/disc- alters the amount of light that reaches the condenser. g.Lamp- produces the light.h.Coarse focus knob-brings objects into focal point of the objective lens.i.Fine focus knob- makes fine adjustments to focus the image.j.Arm-holds all of the optical parts at a distance and aligns them.k.Clips-hold the specimen still on the stage.l.Base- supports the pack of all the microscope parts.Define the following microscopy termsFocus positions the objective lens at the proper distance from the specimen.Resolution Ability for the lens to show fine details of the object being observed.Contrast The nighttime of the back groun d relative to the specimen.B. What is the purpose of immersion oil? To direct the light from the microscope directly to the slide and stop it from refracting. It creats a finer resolution and brightness.Exercise 2 Observing Bacteria Cultures in Yogurt Questions A. Describe your observations of the fresh yogurt slide.B. Were there observable differences between your fresh yogurt slide and the prepared yogurt slide? If so, explain.C. Describe the four main bacterial shapes.Cocci oval or world(a) shaped. Bacillus are rod shaped. Spirillum are thick, rigid spirals. Vibrio are curved or a comma shaped rod.D. What are the common arrangements of bacteria? Diplo oval shaped, found in pairs.Strepto are cocci that arange into chains. Staphylo are cocci that are arranged into irregular clusters, similar to grapes.E. Were you able to identify detail bacterial morphologies on either yogurt slide? If so, which types?Exercise 3 Preparing andObservingaBloodSlide QuestionsA. Describe the ce lls you were able to essay in the blood smear.B. Are the cells you observed in your blood smear different than the bacterial cells you have observed? Why or why not?

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