Friday, April 19, 2019

Is a Government Ban on Human Cloning Wrong Essay

Is a Government Ban on Human Cloning Wrong - Essay ExampleHuman cloning can essentially be beneficial to humanity, as well as to science and technology, if it were guaranteed to be successful every time. However, on the attitude opposing human cloning, the greatest argument involves the morals and ethics of all human beings involved in the process of cloning a human, which are the cloned child, the egg donor, and the woman carrying the cloned child. Very few cloning experiments involving animals piddle been successful, and even m some(prenominal) of those result in death after some time as such, thither is nothing to suggest that human cloning will be successful since there is more at risk. Attempting to clone a human being involves too many risks, and there is nothing to say that any attempt at human cloning will be a success, which makes any safety risks having been undergone in vain. While trying to clone a human, the cloned child might be born deformed or as a stillborn, and t he egg donor and the woman carrying the cloned child might risk future problems when trying to naturally conceive children.

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