Thursday, April 25, 2019

Project Management analyze the relationship among organizational Essay

Project Management analyze the relationship among organizational culture, proletariat structure - Essay ExampleThis way he will definitely achieve his 80% - indoors his reach. In order to achieve the next 80% he will try tighter and will at least achieve 20% thus giving 100 % results. The managers and subordinates sh ar close relationships. The members of the organization convey towards the united goal irrespective of the level they belong to. If the go out gets delayed then employees engaged in new(prenominal) projects are also engaged hence there is great teamwork. Adequate monetary and professional rewards are based on the performance of the employees throughout the year. This culture can be termed as the work hard/play hard culture. In this culture activity is the key to successBecause of the need for volume, team players who are friendly and outperform thrive. (Rue and Byars, 1992, p.442)Keeping this organizational culture in mind the projects are selected on the basis o f manpower expertise and the organizations core line of business, as resources are already available within the organization for the same. But if the project deadline is too short, the project is selected after reviewing whether the pool of assistance can be immediately used from other departments without disturbing other projects in hand. Otherwise the organization sublets a part of the contract to certain consultants or organizations that have experts in selected applications and who are ready to become service providers for that particular project. But the industry in which this organization functions, such temporary resources are scarce so the organization always tries to optimize its subjective resources while selecting a project.No matter what the deadline of the project is, it is always structured in such a way that there is no confusion from the top to the bottom level and that the goal is achieved successfully on time. The project manager breaks down the big and complicat ed task into much sm on the wholeer and simpler tasks. This way it becomes easier to treasure the progress and risks and take necessary actions on time. It also becomes easier for him to allocate tasks in a very legislate and comprehensive way. According to Computer Systems Odessa Corp. People call this producing a work breakdown structure to take it sound more formal and impressive. Without following this formal approach you are unlikely to remember all the niggling little details with this procedure, the details are simply displayed on the final lists. (para.6) The top counsel also likes this structure used by the project manager as it becomes convenient for them to closely manage the following stages of the projectInitiation stageStrategy stageAnalysis stageDesign and throw stageImplementation stageThis way the project closes as per the schedule and the organization doesnt incur losings due to late delivery clause imposed by the clients. In a survey conducted at the Califor nia Executive Leadership Forum 300 executives responded. According to Arlington The results indicate that the top challenges facing executives are acquiring the support or commitment of management, stakeholders or the team capturing lessons

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