Friday, April 26, 2019

Consider the state of the American Public School System. Put forward Essay

Consider the state of the Ameri open fire Public School System. Put forward an origin on the topic.Can you suggest a solution - Essay ExampleHowever, the decentralization makes it difficult to deal issues pertaining to naturalize reforms (William J. Reese, 2). The current public educational system is piled up with issues not just pertaining to classrooms or corridors only if resulting in the failure of American public education system. This failure cannot be made accountable to the functioning of the students but the entire system that is responsible for the declining performance. (John Hood, Volume 43). Many factors were being considered to hinder the public education worry money or funds, destitution, class size, teachers, salaries of teachers, students performance and teachers unions etc. (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 3) increasing the cast of drop divulges and unqualified students for future. Even today certain percent of unskilled and drop out students exists which inc reases the movement of more qualified professionals from outside the country. Considering the growing competition pargonnts coming from a middle or higher(prenominal) class prefer to educate their children in private funding institutions that provide high standards of education magic spell vast numbers of lower class children attend public schools. Funds People assume that wishing of funds has resulted in failure of public educational system which is a myth. ... unds part improved nutritional programs like arrangements of breakfast or lunch increased the expenditure to an extent, added to these issues the no child left easy policy is yet to be met (Amy Richards, 24th October 2011). Teachers and Unions Teachers have their unions to support and protect them no matter how bunglesome they are while their tenure guarantees the job safety until retirement without considering their performance. They are given salaries with no rewards of purity and are not penalized for their poor pe rformance due to which every teacher performs the same (B. Awesome, 30th whitethorn 2011). Training needs to be provided to those under performing teachers to improve their ability to teach. Teachers who lack to improve their performance levels even after rigorous training should be removed while qualified and hardworking teachers can bring reform in the public education system to certain extent should be provided with a performance based wages and incentives. Society Influences Many students who tend to drop out of high schools are not skilled enough to work in a technologically advanced workplace. Those who have dropped out of high school earn less salary than students who graduated from high school. Dropped out students usually locomote in poverty and depend upon welfare (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 95). Societal influences like poverty and bad parenting to a fault results in poor performance. Successful public schools are in the area where the rich and wealthy reside, while worst or unsuccessful public schools belong to the areas where poor families live (Valerie Strauss, Washington Post). Children dealing with poverty can afford to attend these unsuccessful schools where they are not provided with proper resources. Class Size whatsoever believe

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