Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Google's Three-Thirds HR Team Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Googles Three-Thirds HR police squad - Case Study ExampleThis ternary group is complemented by two other groups of thirds, one third having the traditional HR skills and experience with expertise in traditional human resources, relationships with clients, benefits, and the law, among other things. The next third, meanwhile, is staffed by non-savant hassle solvers who have no HR background whatsoever, and whose line of work prior included stints in the consulting firms or stints in other functions within Google, including sales, as puff up as more traditional engineering. universe incorporated into the different functional units within Google, these third of the People operations Group takes the role of spearheading problem solving initiatives within the context of the departments or functions. The emphasis here is not the kind of work that is make by the group of analytical third with doctorates, but on the solving of problems as they are easily linked with the functional grou ps within Google (Case Facts).Bock notes that at that place is encouragement for the sharing of know-how/knowledge as well as for the groups to interact, but this hardly qualifies as making the diverse thirds into a team up. Table 11-1 tells us that there are indicators for when a true team exists, and those must be followed and should serve as guide in determining whether a team exists or not. In Table 11-1 a team is a team when there is the sense that leadership has become an activity that is shared within the group. There is a rupture towards joint individual and group accountability. There is the development of a group mission/purpose. Problem-solving becomes embedded into the desoxyribonucleic acid of what the group does, and not something done on the side. Teams measure themselves by their overall outcomes relative to goals. Given this, the Peoples Operations group would do well to craft its own mission statement, for one. Group goal setting should be done with the buy-in o f everyone concerned. The groups compensation can also be tied to theperformance of the whole group, with each of the thirds working together to accomplish this.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Implementation Managers Toolkit Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Implementation Managers Toolkit - Term Paper ExampleThe checklist will explain the relevance of the talk process particularly on the part of the employees as the recipients (Proscis Communication Checklist 2006). Although this can be do in various ways, e.g., newsletter, memorandum, etc., a more effective way is by doing it face-to-face. Also, it should be a two-way process wherein the employees are given the chance to share its feedback and opinion. Resistance is a normal reaction from employees and this is to a fault the best time that the sponsors of change must be present. Awareness on the roles and responsibilities of the sponsors, senior leaders, managers and supervisors are universe determined through the use of sponsorship checklist (Proscis Sponsorship Checklist 2006). The checklist had also examined the degree of commitment and involvement of the project squad in making changes successful.Before the new system or project is to be implemented, a selective information con version plan is to be considered as one of the important steps for conversion process. The plan clear defines the system or project as it outlines the process, approach, tools, assumptions, strategies and preparation as the prerequisite steps in the migration of info (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 2010). Data are usually translated from one format to another(prenominal) or from an existing system to another hardware or software environment to determine the figure of the original system. A conversion plan is needed in an information system that uses data precisely like a total relocation of office management files. A well-thought-out plan that will be used during the conversion is very necessary because this kind of move is not something that is regularly done. Still, the overall readiness of the plan is on the hands of the project manager and the integrated project team because the items addressed in the plan are not detailed.Information system in the organization usually involves technology each

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Regionalism in Latin America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Regionalism in Latin the States - Essay ExampleThe main question surrounding the effect of regionalism is whether it is a mere station towards neoliberal or more of pluralistic word that organizes coexistence for the popular uphold (Thomas 200856). What forms of dialect does the regionalism take? In addition, what is the linkage between the multifaceted processes due to the regionalism? To answer these questions regionalist may postulate its true picture of contestation among rivals from all sides of intensity. In my essay, I will analyze regionalism in Latin America from the international economic policy with a specific focus to the Andean community, which is a gun for hire region in the Latin America. From a theoretical standpoint, regionalism explains the integration process in the development of a balanced and harmonious society. Reconfiguration of the Latin Americas regional governance is one major lark about for the global political economy in the last one decade. Regional governance is currently transforming and convey in different forms of regional policies, identities, and cooperation that transform the cartography of the Latin America. Latin America currently has assumed a different regional form of governance that builds the different rationale, which is not restricted to the US hegemony (Scott 200957). Regionalism drive by economic calculations represents a conglomerate project on the issue of commerce and political integration. In this conflicting scenario, the regional integration has redefinition from the regional projects that are substantially divergent in visions. The paper is come to with the question of how transformation of the new regionalist can shape the thinking of the individuals on the political and social cooperation. Concepts apply To help understand the issue of regionalism and the current issue in the Latin America one must(prenominal) consider these terms. A region implies the whole of Latin America whereas sub regions as a incision of Latin America like the Andean or South America. Regional integration on the some other hand is an agreement based on the intergovernmental or supranational model. It may involve economic, political, and social integration objectives (Lauren 2010124). Lastly, regional trade preferences are agreements based on trade integration and cooperation on areas that promote democracy. to a lower place this paradigm, the agreements result from conglomerate intentions of economic boost. Structural economic reforms of the Latin America The economy of the Latin America has shifted in its economic policy from its low achieving strategy to serious macroeconomic disequilibria (Lauren, 201032). Factors like high inflation, fiscal deficits, current account deficits, and financial sectors in critical trouble formed part of the foreign debt crisis in the early 1980s. After the poor economic management of the Latin America, it undertook structural reforms that placed the country on th e path toward superior economic performance. Major structural reforms in the country occurred in the

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Public duty and grief Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public province and grief - Research Paper ExampleIn certain circumstances, doctors often voluntarily helps or assists nurses or other healthcare module that may result in the occurrence of certain inappropriate book of facts or treatment. In such instances, the action of doctors does not make infirmary authorities liable kinda doctors themselves are answerable for such losses or negligence. Except the above stated scenario, the hospital situation or the employer has the responsibility to answer for any possible mal-practice of its staff, nurses or the doctors. Furthermore, it has been ascertained that in many cases a doctor or nurse who are linked with any kind of medical mal-practice, are carry by hospitals despite their negligence in the past. In this context, any further mal-practice of these nurse and doctors will lend the hospital authority (employer) responsible or answerable for that special(prenominal) misconduct under a particular law theory called respondeat superi or which means that let the master answer. Hence, it is the prime responsibility of the hospital authorities to keep watch on the action of doctors or any other healthcare staff in order to ensure well being of the common public as well as omit any possibility of professional negligence (FindLaw, 2013 Judson & Harrison, 2010).I have bitter experience regarding scotch in my life. I have lost one of my closest relay links just because of the negligence of hospital authority. It was quite a a difficult for me to pull myself out of that particular scenario. Initially, when I heard this lethal news that my friend was no more, my heart was denying the fact that I actually loss him. I could not believe that a small hazard would cost me to loss him forever. However, when I came to know that his death was not due to the accident causalities, I suddenly become quite shocked. Later on I found that his death was owe to the negligence of the hospital authority. Indeed, it made me furious and I tried to consolidate

Friday, April 26, 2019

Consider the state of the American Public School System. Put forward Essay

Consider the state of the Ameri open fire Public School System. Put forward an origin on the topic.Can you suggest a solution - Essay ExampleHowever, the decentralization makes it difficult to deal issues pertaining to naturalize reforms (William J. Reese, 2). The current public educational system is piled up with issues not just pertaining to classrooms or corridors only if resulting in the failure of American public education system. This failure cannot be made accountable to the functioning of the students but the entire system that is responsible for the declining performance. (John Hood, Volume 43). Many factors were being considered to hinder the public education worry money or funds, destitution, class size, teachers, salaries of teachers, students performance and teachers unions etc. (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 3) increasing the cast of drop divulges and unqualified students for future. Even today certain percent of unskilled and drop out students exists which inc reases the movement of more qualified professionals from outside the country. Considering the growing competition pargonnts coming from a middle or higher(prenominal) class prefer to educate their children in private funding institutions that provide high standards of education magic spell vast numbers of lower class children attend public schools. Funds People assume that wishing of funds has resulted in failure of public educational system which is a myth. ... unds part improved nutritional programs like arrangements of breakfast or lunch increased the expenditure to an extent, added to these issues the no child left easy policy is yet to be met (Amy Richards, 24th October 2011). Teachers and Unions Teachers have their unions to support and protect them no matter how bunglesome they are while their tenure guarantees the job safety until retirement without considering their performance. They are given salaries with no rewards of purity and are not penalized for their poor pe rformance due to which every teacher performs the same (B. Awesome, 30th whitethorn 2011). Training needs to be provided to those under performing teachers to improve their ability to teach. Teachers who lack to improve their performance levels even after rigorous training should be removed while qualified and hardworking teachers can bring reform in the public education system to certain extent should be provided with a performance based wages and incentives. Society Influences Many students who tend to drop out of high schools are not skilled enough to work in a technologically advanced workplace. Those who have dropped out of high school earn less salary than students who graduated from high school. Dropped out students usually locomote in poverty and depend upon welfare (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 95). Societal influences like poverty and bad parenting to a fault results in poor performance. Successful public schools are in the area where the rich and wealthy reside, while worst or unsuccessful public schools belong to the areas where poor families live (Valerie Strauss, Washington Post). Children dealing with poverty can afford to attend these unsuccessful schools where they are not provided with proper resources. Class Size whatsoever believe

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Project Management analyze the relationship among organizational Essay

Project Management analyze the relationship among organizational culture, proletariat structure - Essay ExampleThis way he will definitely achieve his 80% - indoors his reach. In order to achieve the next 80% he will try tighter and will at least achieve 20% thus giving 100 % results. The managers and subordinates sh ar close relationships. The members of the organization convey towards the united goal irrespective of the level they belong to. If the go out gets delayed then employees engaged in new(prenominal) projects are also engaged hence there is great teamwork. Adequate monetary and professional rewards are based on the performance of the employees throughout the year. This culture can be termed as the work hard/play hard culture. In this culture activity is the key to successBecause of the need for volume, team players who are friendly and outperform thrive. (Rue and Byars, 1992, p.442)Keeping this organizational culture in mind the projects are selected on the basis o f manpower expertise and the organizations core line of business, as resources are already available within the organization for the same. But if the project deadline is too short, the project is selected after reviewing whether the pool of assistance can be immediately used from other departments without disturbing other projects in hand. Otherwise the organization sublets a part of the contract to certain consultants or organizations that have experts in selected applications and who are ready to become service providers for that particular project. But the industry in which this organization functions, such temporary resources are scarce so the organization always tries to optimize its subjective resources while selecting a project.No matter what the deadline of the project is, it is always structured in such a way that there is no confusion from the top to the bottom level and that the goal is achieved successfully on time. The project manager breaks down the big and complicat ed task into much sm on the wholeer and simpler tasks. This way it becomes easier to treasure the progress and risks and take necessary actions on time. It also becomes easier for him to allocate tasks in a very legislate and comprehensive way. According to Computer Systems Odessa Corp. People call this producing a work breakdown structure to take it sound more formal and impressive. Without following this formal approach you are unlikely to remember all the niggling little details with this procedure, the details are simply displayed on the final lists. (para.6) The top counsel also likes this structure used by the project manager as it becomes convenient for them to closely manage the following stages of the projectInitiation stageStrategy stageAnalysis stageDesign and throw stageImplementation stageThis way the project closes as per the schedule and the organization doesnt incur losings due to late delivery clause imposed by the clients. In a survey conducted at the Califor nia Executive Leadership Forum 300 executives responded. According to Arlington The results indicate that the top challenges facing executives are acquiring the support or commitment of management, stakeholders or the team capturing lessons

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development , One written project Essay

Entrepreneurship and Small Business discipline , One written project on the theme of one selected attribute associated with the - Essay ExampleThe returns of an enterp uprisingr are the profit generated by the corporate organization. Capital in the economic sense is a produced bureau of production (Iversen, Jorgensen and Malchow-Moller, 2008). However, an entrepreneur in note is termed as the human capital. The economic capital of the organization underside only be productive with the benefits of the human capital in its subscriber line operations. In 1999, Richard Cantillon had stated that lead of the entrepreneurs is responsible for the different circulations and changes in the economy (Glover, 2013). However, in the later stage of 2001, Jean Baptiste had stated that an entrepreneur is the primary agent of fabrication in the economy (Glover, 2013). An entrepreneur is the person who has the responsibility to manage, organize and also, fancy the impending risks in a business organization. After the emergence of globalization, the trading activities in nations have largely advanced. Each and every country in the world has experienced high growth rates with the rise in the number of new business firms. The rise in the number of small business developments has helped to improve the value of national products and employment opportunities in nations. The context of this essay will show the contribution of entrepreneurs in small business developments, both empirically and theoretically. ... It is the leadership quality of an entrepreneur that helps him to facilitate new business developments. Eminent scholars had stated that entrepreneurship in business encompasses a whole new concept (Stryker, 1998). They claimed that the originality and self adequateness of entrepreneurship is different in business. Entrepreneurship in business helps to convert the technical resources in business to product and services. However, considering the characteristics, it squi rt be concluded that entrepreneurial behaviour develops with time. This paper would primarily concentrate on the Leadership take aim Of Thought on Entrepreneurship that was first introduced by Cunningham and Lischeron in 1991 (Madsen, Neergaard and Ulhoi, 2008). This concept explains that entrepreneurs are actually the leaders of coarse people. They assure that their subordinates accomplish the different purposes and objectives in the die hardplace. Direction and motivation are the other skills of an entrepreneur that is certain from the basic quality of leadership. This School of approach is completely non-technical in nature. It explains that a successful entrepreneur must(prenominal) have the quality of leadership with which he would be able to attract people and convert business vision into reality. It was also proclaimed by Schein in 1983 that an entrepreneur is a leader who is responsible for upgrading the work culture of a firm (Glover, 2013). It is true that the managem ent and leadership attributes are the factors which help in the foundation of small business firms. Cogliser and Brigham had stated in 2004 that leadership theories were established long ago, but the practical linkage of leadership with entrepreneurship is made in the recent years. The main theories of

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Personal Development Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Development - Personal Statement ExampleMy goals for next week argon to wait writing.3Understanding Information and DataIt sure was a lot of specialised information.I learned about writing and research styles and referencing techniques.My goal for next week is to understand first good deal how to conduct library research.4PresentationsI love presentations.I learned the appropriate way to purpose slides.My goal for next week is to keep up with the matrix.5How Information Is UsedThis was a truly cool lecture.I learned about the different methods of systemic thinking.My goals for next week ar to continue with my matrix and try to implement systemic analytic thinking.6Information in Global chore CommunicationsI never thought of communication like this before.I learned about the write up and methods of business communications.My goals for next week include keeping up with assignments and lectures.7Information in business lineThis was the most interesting lecture to me so far.I lea rned about how information technology augments business.My goals are to complete this module strongly.Summary Personal Learning and Skills MatrixSemesterGeneral reflectionSubject specific reflectionsNew goals, new behaviorsCh whollyengeIt was a real challenge to keep the matrices.Although I know it pull up stakes probably help me in the future, I wish there was an easier way to mathematical function reference styles.I aim to implement more structured time management and find an easier way to do noble citations.ExpectationsI learned nearly everything I expected from this module.I like the parts about enunciate writing, web communications, and systems thinking most.I hope to apply the principles wherever I can.ResponsibilitiesI feel I have a responsibility to apply this information effectively in the...Although I am sublime of my academic achievements, I wish I could apply what I learned more specifically in the workplace. In the appropriate business setting, much of this is quit e applicable, but in others they were non so much. I suppose it takes the right type of environment to express scholarly skill and be appreciated for it. I am more used to people being intolerant to academic achievement. I am not sure why. I do not see the harm in bringing fellowship to patronise on ones life. I am not overbearing about it, and I do not use it intrusively. I can only gather that among certain circles study is seen as a scourge. It is a threat to some people because of low self-esteem I guess. It seems they are not willing to sacrifice for knowledge so they do not wish anyone else to either. It is a threat to some because of sheer jealousy. They are loath to let others grow professionally who will serve them directly. I do not really know. It is all speculation if I am to be perfectly honest. Human psychology presents the most challenging systems compend task in the known universe. One thing is certain. Some people are intolerant toward learning for whatever r eason.Despite the intolerance of those around me, I am proud that I have fulfil so much in the face of such unnecessary odds.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Common Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Common integrity - Essay ExampleHe meant to convey that what has been formed by the institution of lawmakers is actually an embodiment of the rife affair with times across a general culture of the race in association with juristic theories with which people have sought political involvement depending on the relevance and impact lawful matters perform upon their lives.Though some degree of sociological approach may be reflected in the overall direction of Justice Holmes, a historical school of jurisprudence substantiates most of its meaning. This Holmes justifies explicating The law embodies the story of a nations development through many centuries ... In order to know what it is, we must know what it has been, and what it tends to become. accept that law operates as a function of history, Holmes likely proposes that the accounts of any period, especially of the past, are amply world-shattering in the foundation and intended accomplishments of a good and sensible

Monday, April 22, 2019

Site Contamination - Derby Pride Park Research Paper

Site Contamination - Derby Pride Park - Research reputation ExampleThe paper tells that soil pollution is a very critical health related issue. both soil pollution and groundwater pollution adversely affect the health of humans, send offts, and marine life. Soil contamination squirt also affect those who touch it. If we talk about groundwater pollution, we can say that it is even more touch-and-go because it directly affects human as well as marine life. Discharged water contains such substances, which be very harmful for the health of human beings. Before going to propose a site decontamination plan for the Derby Pride Park, let us get a brief overview of sources of contamination and some methods to decontaminate the polluted sites. There are various sources of contamination production. These sources include food, dietary supplements which are very rare, drugs, industrial discharge from chemical substance industries, pesticides that come from farming areas, and various detergen ts and fertilizers. The potable water becomes wastewater after it gets soil with natural or synthetic microbiological compounds. Groundwater from the neighboring fields is also a source of contamination. Groundwater moves slowly and perpetually through the open spaces in soil and rock. Another major source of contamination is those chemical processes, which are used to take out the required minerals from rocks because bare-ass material containing the minerals is often stored in dirty and contaminated surfaces, which results in contamination of minerals. So it is strictly advised to keep the surfaces clean on which the raw material is to be placed. Remediation Remediation means decontamination of the polluted sites. The process of

Sunday, April 21, 2019

A report on Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups Essay

A report on Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups - Essay ExampleIndividuals belonging to a congregation need to understand both the other people in the group but also how they themselves argon perceived. If this kind of input is short-circuited, a group will fail and the dynamics will be off-putting. all group is different and every individual who is part of a group has their own style and personality. hardly research has indicated that several things are required for a group to work well. One of the most essential of these elements is trust. People in the groups need to know that they can count on the other members. They need to olfactory property comfortable. If this isnt the case, the group can quickly degenerate. Building the kind of rapport that engenders trust is a key reflexion of emotional intelligence and is not to be taken lightly. Another important element is identity. It is hard for members to thumb much attachment to the group if they do not all share som ething in common. Finally, a triplet element vital the building of a successful group is a sense of efficacy.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Prostitution Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

harlotry - Coursework ExampleThis was during the Korean war, when a tremendously high rate of sexually contagious diseases began to affect the active soldier duty roster.Back home, prostitution is considered illegal in all U.S. states pull out Nevada. The reason being that Nevada has a historical connection to prostitution dating all the way derriere to the 18th century. According to Karah Lucas Nevada limits prostitution to legally registered brothels and towns with populations of less than 400,000 thus leaving Clark and Washoe counties out of the program (Legal Prostitution Has A Special Presence in Nevada, p. 1).The legalized prostitution program of Nevada has had a positive effect on the trade which our government should in reality take notice of. Since the trade is overseen by the state, thither are actually rules and regulations that insure the protection of the women in the trade, the men who partake of the benefits of the trade, and the state to whom the brothels pay bus iness taxes to. According to capital of Minnesota Armetano (The Case For Legalized Prostitution, p.1) , sexually transmitted diseases are actually controlled from spreading because of the weekly mandated testing for the prostitutes. For some irrelevant reason, the brothels also take pride in having healthy women on their staff because it shows the quality of their business. still though there are actual benefits to be had from the legalization of prostitution, such as the control of sexually transmitted diseases, protection of the sex worker, standardization of the work practice, and more importantly, additional income for the city or state, there are still those conservatives who fail to see these reasons. They choose to remain in their out-dated and out-moded world where prostitution is something that destroys lives repayable to the degradation and objectification of women.For those in the military service,

Friday, April 19, 2019

Explain how demands translates into capacity management, production Essay

Explain how demands translates into might management, production scheduling and materials requirements - Essay ExampleIt drives the detailed material planning and capacity management requirements to touch the known or forecasted demand. Demand is the factor that contributes to the planning of the entire production cycle for a contingent time of year. The production schedule gives a structure to depict as to how the manufacturing process has to be carried issue. It plans out the inventory, capacity and staffing requirements for the conjunction based on the projected demand. Based on demand as peerless of the inputs production schedule creates an output that is utilized for decision making. These outputs include the amount of products to be produced, the staffing quantities, the cushion call for etc. This schedule helps the organizations in synchronizing their operations, in becoming more efficient and improving the true of companys manufacturing. It enables the different depar tments to plan their course of action accordingly based on the schedule. For case it allows marketing department to make legitimate delivery commitments to warehouse and to the customers. Based on this demand the company may decide to utilize its existing capacity fully to meet the requirements. The capacity management is through to effectively make the most of the capacity that exists.

Is a Government Ban on Human Cloning Wrong Essay

Is a Government Ban on Human Cloning Wrong - Essay ExampleHuman cloning can essentially be beneficial to humanity, as well as to science and technology, if it were guaranteed to be successful every time. However, on the attitude opposing human cloning, the greatest argument involves the morals and ethics of all human beings involved in the process of cloning a human, which are the cloned child, the egg donor, and the woman carrying the cloned child. Very few cloning experiments involving animals piddle been successful, and even m some(prenominal) of those result in death after some time as such, thither is nothing to suggest that human cloning will be successful since there is more at risk. Attempting to clone a human being involves too many risks, and there is nothing to say that any attempt at human cloning will be a success, which makes any safety risks having been undergone in vain. While trying to clone a human, the cloned child might be born deformed or as a stillborn, and t he egg donor and the woman carrying the cloned child might risk future problems when trying to naturally conceive children.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Impact of globalization on the cultural environment of business China Essay

Impact of world(a)ization on the cultural environment of patronage China - Essay ExampleChinas economy has shifted from being developing to being the 4th largest economy in the world. This is attributed to the high capital flows across its borders and hence, globalization. Globalization has had substantive impact on the dividing line environment in Chinese organizations. The following paper critic aloney investigates and analyses globalizations impact on the cultural business environment in Chinese organizations.Globalization is viewed differently by economists and business intimationers. harmonise to Lui, Anti-globalists views capitalize on the cons of this phenomenon which include employment insecurity associated by production shifts. Another major minus of globalization is pay cuts due to increased competition associated to opening up local markets to global competition. Lastly, global companies are associated with social injustices in their business practices and unfair work ing conditions such as slavery and mismanagement of the environment. Pro-globalists maintain a strong view that globalization lead to higher standards of living. They argue that competitive markets lead to more efficiency in resource utilization, elimination of monopoly markets and how it promotes democracy all over the world. To understand what cabbage impact globalization has, it is vital to appreciate that globalization refers to a process based on the defining of a single market of goods, services and factors of productions, including capital, labor, technology and natural resources, covering all the economic regions of all countries. The two main aspects which led to the sudden transformation were sophistication in information technology cogitation and innovation of internet. In this process, national and international markets are combined in to a single interwoven whole. In the world economy, globalization lead to an increased dependency on different

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Digital Video Broadcasting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Digital moving find out Broadcasting - Term Paper ExampleEvolution of video- European and North American inventors pioneered the TV. Television is a hybrid word coming from the Greek letter Tele gist far, and Latin word visio meaning sight. 1) Monochrome TVs - These betimes generation televisions were mostly based on electrochemical systems. The screen had a refined motor with a spinning disc and a neon lamp which gave a reddish orange picture comparable in size to a business card (Udelson). The system continued to evolve with the foundation of a line system to improve the results of the TV. In 1937 the 405 line monochrome system, known then as the HD, was selected as the UK standard of television. By 1950, most European countries had the 625 scanning lines, 25 frame per second, TV system as standard. Meanwhile, plenty of experimentation was taking place in the USA, however, the Federal communications commission was not satisfied with the quality of the systems and work on d evelopment of the system continued. In 1942, the FCC endorsed the efforts of the National television systems charge and established a standard of 525 scanning lines with 60 frames per second. (Pritchard and Gibson) 2) The advent of tinge TV - During the 1940s, various intensity television systems were proposed and demonstrated in the United States. The first color television was developed in the early 1950s by the national television systems committee and submitted to the federal communication commission in 1953. Color TV was not successful in the United States until a decade of its introduction. Few color TVs were change because they were expensive and there were not many programs televised in color. Time magazine even called color TV as the most resounding industrial flop of 1956. Slowly but surely, however, color TV started to flourish when color programs started to show up in abundance.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Increase in energy Essay Example for Free

Increase in energy Essay penetration resistivity is the opposition a component has on the mix of current and it is measured in Ohms. Resistance occurs as the electrons trend along the equip they collide with the metal atoms. These collisions make the atoms vibrate to a greater extent, which make the metal hotter, they also slow down the flow of electrons causing underground. Resistance is a measure of how hard it is for the electrons to move through the wire. There ar four factors that affect resistance in a wire. They are 1. Temperature If the wire is heated up the atoms in the wire studyament start to vibrate beca expend of their increase in energy.This ca white plagues more collisions between the electrons and the atoms as, the atoms are moving into the way of the electrons. This increase in collisions means that the resistance of the wire exit also increase. 2. Material The type of material will affect the amount of free electrons which are capable to flow through t he wire, if the material has very few atoms then there will be advanced number of electrons causing a lower resistance because the electrons would have slight collisions making it easier for the current to flow. only if if there were few free electrons there would be more atoms packed closely together making it more difficult for the electrons to pass. 3. Wire aloofness If the wire is longer, then the resistance will be higher(prenominal) because the electrons will have a longer distance to travel and so more collisions will occur. Because of this the length increase should be proportional to the resistance increase. 4. Cross-Sectional Area of the Wire If the wires width is increased the resistance will decrease.This is because of the increase in the seat for the electrons to travel through. Because this increased space between the atoms there should be less collisions, and more current will flow. Resistance can be calculated using this economy R = V/I. Resistance can be usefu l in filament lamps and toasters, because if there was no resistance then the wire would not get hot and there would be no crystallise and no toast. But on the other hand in very big power lines you do not want to waste any electricity in heating up the power lines.That is why in the National Grid they use very wide wires so that there are fewer collisions between the electrons and the metal atoms, thats why the electricity is transmitted at high voltage and low current. This causes less resistance and less power is lost. Aim In this experiment I am spillage to be investigating what effect changing the cross-sectional area has on the resistance of a wire. Input variables are the things which can be changed in an experiment. In My experiment the infix variables are going to be the cross-sectional area of the wire this will be varied from thicker to thinner.Output variables are things which are predetermined the input variables. In my experiment the output variables are amperes a nd volts, and these measurements will be apply to calculate resistance. My circuit will include a power bring home the bacon, wires, an ammeter, a voltmeter, and the compositors case wire. To make this experiment a fair test I am going to keep the voltage to 3 volts, and keep the length of wire to 20 cm. I am not going to change the wires, ammeters and voltmeter. And I am also not going to change any of the other factors only the cross-sectional area of the subject wire. Prediction.I predict that if the cross-sectional area of the wire decreases then the resistance will increase in proportion to the cross-sectional area. I think this because of my prior scientific knowledge which shows that the wider the wire the more electrons that will be able to flow through them and the less collisions. But in a thinner wire there is less space for the electrons to move therefore more collisions. My tables and graphs should support my prediction. Apparatus list Power Supply used to supply an electrical current and voltage An Ammeter- used to measure current in amps, connected in series.A Voltmeter- used to measure voltage. Connected in parallel. Two disparate thicknesses of Nichrome wire- used to experiment on. Two different thicknesses of Constantan wire- used to experiment on Meter ruler- used to keep the wire to 20 cm long. 2 crocodile clips- used to connect the subject wire to the circuit. Connecting wires- to connect all the components. Safety I have decided to take some safety precautions by Keeping the voltage at 3 volts because 4 is dangerous, being careful when connecting the wires and while handling the live subject wire.I also wore goggles and used heat proof mats to prevent the live wire from burning the table. Method 1. Firstly I am going to connect the voltmeter to the Power supply. 2. Connect up all the wires. 3. Connect the ammeter. 4. Use crocodile clips to connect the subject wire. 5. Turn the power supply on to 3 volts. 6. The circuit should look li ke my diagram in the aim. 7. Write down the readings on the ammeter and voltmeter. 8. Repeat for all the thicknesses of wire. 9. After all the wires have been done raise a table and calculate the resistance of each wire.10. Lastly repeat all steps 2 times for reliable results. 11. And find the averages for the results you have collected. Preliminary Work I have decided to use 20 cm of wire as it seemed a sensible length. I also determined to use 3 volts, because 4 volts melted the wire, and 3 seemed a reasonable, safer alternative. I experimented on which of the two materials to use. (Nichrome or Constantan). I compared results on two different thickness SWG 32 and SWG 26 and recorded this information in iii tables and three graphs.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The incoming UK government Essay Example for Free

The incoming UK government EssayIn 1997, the incoming UK government provided The home(a) Literacy system, a soused and consistent1 means of raising standards of literacy, in English primary schools. The motive behind raising these standards was for the economy because if the levels of literacy were to depleted in a significant proportion of the population, then the economy could absorb shattering consequences. In a report on the wedge of literacy, education and training on the UK Economy, the accountants Ernst and Young estimate that60% of both jobs now require flat coat suitable cultivation skills2and goes on to warn that UK productivity is relatively low comp bed with its major competitors Whilst in opposition, the government had set up a Literacy Task force, which set out a bailiwick Literacy dodge designed to raise these standards in English primary schools across the UK. Targets were set and by 2002, 80% of socio-economic class six children were expected to rea ch level four or above in the discern constitute 2 English tests.The Framework inside the depicted object Literacy Strategy had been derived from means developed by the previous government in the National Literacy Project, also aimed to raise standards of literacy but only in a specified number of LEAs.This Framework sets out teaching objectives from reception through to year six to modify children to become fully literate and it provides a useful structure of class and prison term management for the day-to-day Literacy hour. It is also expected that extra time may be needed for the allocation of get a lineing to the class, pupils hold independent education for interest and pleasure and extended writing as tumesce as Literacy creation productively linked to a nonher(prenominal) curriculum areas. The main objectives that the framework focuses on is three broad divisions of literacy, these allow word level work, e.g. phonics, vocabulary, spelling, and handwriting, senten ce level work, e.g. punctuation and grammar. And finally school text level work, e.g. comprehension and composition. The National Literacy Strategy gives examples of what a literate primary pupil should be able to do, for example,read and write with confidence, volubility and understandingbe able to orchestrate a full range of meter nurture cues (phonic, graphic,syntactic, contextual) to monitor their reading and correct their takemistakes3As far as childrens progress in reading is concerned the National Literacy Strategy states that from the outset children must understand that words are made up of garner and these letters correspond with spoken sounds. In Key Stage 1, they should be taught to check their reading for sense, using grammar and the import of the text. This should then help them identify errors and correct them, not only whilst in Key Stage 1 but Key Stage 2 and beyond. Methods of teaching reading suggested by the National Literacy Strategy embarrass, share o ut reading, guide reading and individual reading, each playing an important reference in the learning to read process.Shared reading involves the square class using a text e.g. a big book, text extract or poster. Here the instructor leads the reading pointing as she goes, with the children joining in. This method was developed by teachers working with Don Holda focussing (1979) in New Zealand and has advantages that can over ride some of the difficulties that teachers experience with uninterrupted books, for example the book can be shared by the whole class and every unrivalled can see the print, the teacher can direct the childrens reading by pointing to indicate where they start reading and can bring to fear certain words, punctuation, graphology quicker by indicating using a finger or pointing tool.Holdaways idea of shared reading and spread over time is to re-invent the bed-time story and create a homely office that can be practised in the classroom, and allow all the c hildren to have intimate access to the book. From my own experience of shared reading I find that the children enjoy this part of literacy hour because of the intimacy and cosy set up of the classroom. I found that even years five and six enjoy carpet time because it brings the class closer together and the formal classroom atmosphere almost disappears. Research by Lloyd Eldredge, Ray Rentzel and Paul Hollingsworth at Brigham Young University proved that this method was more successful than previous methods i.e. tear robin.After four months, the shared reading root word had significantly higherscores on tests of reading fluency, vocabulary acquisition andcomprehension. There was evidence that the supported readingexperience of the shared reading group had the greatest impact onthe word recognition abilities of the pupils who initially were the poorestreaders 4In this situation I found the children more likely to ask questions about the text or the vocabulary used and children wh o were not used to reading or seemed distanced when reading individual work were more alert and interactive and able to work from texts beyond their independent reading levels.From universe in a classroom one of the difficulties I have noticed, especially in the reading progress, is coping with incompatibleiated groups. This is where guided reading comes into action. As with shared reading, guided reading helps children to progress by developing a deeper and clearer understanding than might be achieved individually. talk to the teacher and their peers whilst reading a text can develop skills much(prenominal) as critical perspectives, predicting dapple developments and being able to extract key points in a text. As well as being developed for the childrens progress, guided reading was introduced to make more efficient use of the teachers time. A report by OFSTED (1996) found teachers spending too much time listening to each child read. Guided reading has been developed so the te acher is in a position to focus on points tat are relevant for the whole ability group rather than individuals. It has also been noted thatboys respond more positively to active and interactive nature ofsuch readings 5This sounds all very well but force on my own experience I find it does not always work like that. When the teacher is working with one group, the other groups do not work to their standard, either because a discussion has off into an argument, the children are having difficulties and there is no one to help or they have lost concentration. However, for what ever the reason the children are distracted, this part of the lesson seems to be a difficult section to maintain the standards and expectations as stated in the National Literacy Strategy.On my first placement I saw a varied approach to guided reading, in the form of reading in pairs, a year six child and a year three child were reading partners. I believe that this reading partner technique should play a bigger part in the National Literacy Strategy than it already does. At present all it states in the document isto enable other pupils to work independently individually, in pairsor in groups without recourse to the teacher 6In the situation I witnessed where an older child choose a book for a young peer and listened to him reading it, was a valuable experience for both children. The year three enjoyed the attention from the older child and seemed highly motivated in his reading. The year six however, gained experience in choosing books for other people, rather than reading a book he was thinking about suitable content, language and illustrations for the younger child to enjoy. This is an excellent way in which to offer a meaningful context for children to consider these different aspects of the reading process. For the year three child this partnership allowed for development within the zone of proximal development, this is Vygotskys verbal description wherewhat a child can do with assi stance today she will be able to do by herself tomorrow7Also for the older child the routine is challenging as it enforces a different thinking.In the same twenty minute period as guided reading the National Literacy Strategy also expects some individual work to take place. The objectives for these are stated in the document and includeindependent reading and writingproof reading and editingcomprehension work8The National Literacy Strategy also states thatpupils should be trained not to interrupt the teacher and thereshould be sufficient resources and alterative strategys for themto discover back on if they get stuck 9Having taught a literacy lesson I find this last quote ironic. The whole point of having a teacher is to teach the children to read and here it says the children must be trained not to interrupt the teacher. I am speaking from my own experience when I say that no issuing how many resources or alternative strategies you offer children, the child will always come to th e teacher first. However, I do agree with the fact that children should be taught and learn, not train, to find information and solve difficulties using alternatives such as a CD-ROM or a dictionary.Other strategies that are discussed in the National Literacy Strategy that will forward their progression in reading include Direction, this is to enable the pupils to know what they are doing, to track down attention to key points and to develop key strategies in reading and writing. Another example is modelling pupils are to discuss features of written texts through the process of shared reading of books and extracts.From first hand experience I believe that the National Literacy Strategy, along with other documents i.e. National Numeracy Strategy, will benefit children and teachers and make primary pupils more literate. The structured routine is consistent and concise throughout Key Stage one and Key Stage two however, for a teacher to meet these standards and produce high quality wo rk from the children as well as devising lessons, discursive, interactive, well-paced, confident and ambitious (as stated in the National Literacy Strategy) is a demanding challenge.In 1992, Jaap Scheerens meta-analysed seek from across the world and provided factors which affect schools and their performance. His enquiry showed structured teaching was important and defined this asmaking clear what has to be learnt, dividing material into manageableunits, teaching in a well considered sequenceregular testing,immediate feedback10His research also showed that whole class teaching is often more effective than individualised teaching and the time spent on subjects and how the children are inspired, challenged and praised all increase learning activity.The National Literacy Strategy incorporates most of Scheerens findings and because of the way it is set out as a uniform for the whole country to follow, I believe standards could be raised. However, I also believe that the way children are taught to read and understand texts by using extracts and part of texts could be damaging to the pupil. It makes reading seem un-enjoyable and this is exactly what the National Literacy Strategy is trying to avoid. Most of the children I have worked with have enjoyed the Literacy Hour more when they can work on a text they have read all the way through and they feel they have a break away understanding and better liking of the text.Resource List* Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral practice utilizes Round-Robin and the Shared view as Experience, Journal of Literacy Research.* Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training Their impact on the UK economy* Graham, J., Kelly, A., exercise Under Control, Teaching Reading in the original School, 2000* Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE* National Literacy Strategy, launching, 1998,DFEE* Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling Research, Theory and rehearse* Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language1 Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE2 Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training Their impact on the UK economy3 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction, 1998, DFEE4 Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices Round-Robin and the Shared Book Experience, Journal of Literacy Research.5 Graham, J., Kelly, A., Reading Under Control, Teaching Reading in the Primary School, 20006 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE7 Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language8 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 13, 1998, DFEE9 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE10 Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling Research, Theory and Practice

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Obeserving bacteris and blood Essay Example for Free

Obeserving bacteris and blood EssayObjectivesThere were two major goals of the Observing Bacteria and production line experiment. The first was to establish a familiarity with the proper techniques for using a microscope. The experiment concentere on both the basic components of a microscope (i.e. how to adjust the knobs and levers for the desired result) as well as how do decide the proper objective to use for observing a specimen. The second goal major goal of this experiment was to approach pattern observing live specimens (yogurt and blood). ProceduresExercise 1 Observation of alert slues using the microscope. The observation of the 8 nimble slides was performed by making adjustments to the microscope (focus, condenser, light) in order to establish a clear image of the specimen. The slide was viewed through and through the 10x, 40x, and 100x objectives and all observations were recorded in the tables below.Exercise 23 Observationof yogurt and blood. The yogurt and bloo d slides were prep ared as described in the Labpaq manual. The slides were observed using the 10x, 40x, and 100x objectives and all observations were recorded in the tables below.Observations/ResultsExercise 1SampleObservations array 1Part 2150x600x1500x (Oil Immersion)Amoeba proteusAnabaenaAscaris Eggse slideParameciumPenicillium w/conidiaYeastyogurt bacteriaExercise 2 3SampleObservations150X600x1500xEx 2Fresh yoghourtEx 3Blood SmearPhotos/Drawings (Insert and label images here. If image file (JPEG or GIF) sizes are as well large they may be uploaded separately.)Analysis/Interpretation Based on the observations detailed above, it can be concluded that the microscope is a powerful tool in the observation of organisms that are small in size. It was strategic to consecrate a number of objectives of different magnifying power in order to be able to roll in the hay the level of magnification needed to best study a judge. In addition, the examination of the yogurt sample allowed fo r the observation of the varying shapes and arrangement of bacterial cells. The use of a microscope to observe the blood smear highlighted the umteen important components of human blood that are not evident by the naked eye.Application In performing this experiment I have learned many important aspects of microbiology that apply to healthcare. First, there is weed of information that can be discovered by looking at a sample infra the microscope size, arrangement, number of organism. For example, this information can be utilized in making an initial identification on a patient sample in a hospital laboratory. Second, some microorganisms can be proficient such as those bacteria that can be cultured from yogurt. Furthermore, these microorganisms can also be used to build back a healthy population of intestinal bacteria in patients who have deep been taking antibiotics.Answers to the LabPaq Questions1) Questions A. Identifythe following parts of the microscope and describe the func tionof each.a. Ocular- eyepiece transmits and magnifies the image form the objective lens to the eye.b.Body/tube-holds the eyepiece at proper standoffishness from the objective lens and blocks light.c.Nosepiece- rotating mount that hold objective lens.d.Objective Lens- gathers light for the specimen.e.Mechanical Stage- holds the specimen.f.Apeture occlusive control/disc- alters the amount of light that reaches the condenser. g.Lamp- produces the light.h.Coarse focus knob-brings objects into focal point of the objective lens.i.Fine focus knob- makes fine adjustments to focus the image.j.Arm-holds all of the optical parts at a distance and aligns them.k.Clips-hold the specimen still on the stage.l.Base- supports the pack of all the microscope parts.Define the following microscopy termsFocus positions the objective lens at the proper distance from the specimen.Resolution Ability for the lens to show fine details of the object being observed.Contrast The nighttime of the back groun d relative to the specimen.B. What is the purpose of immersion oil? To direct the light from the microscope directly to the slide and stop it from refracting. It creats a finer resolution and brightness.Exercise 2 Observing Bacteria Cultures in Yogurt Questions A. Describe your observations of the fresh yogurt slide.B. Were there observable differences between your fresh yogurt slide and the prepared yogurt slide? If so, explain.C. Describe the four main bacterial shapes.Cocci oval or world(a) shaped. Bacillus are rod shaped. Spirillum are thick, rigid spirals. Vibrio are curved or a comma shaped rod.D. What are the common arrangements of bacteria? Diplo oval shaped, found in pairs.Strepto are cocci that arange into chains. Staphylo are cocci that are arranged into irregular clusters, similar to grapes.E. Were you able to identify detail bacterial morphologies on either yogurt slide? If so, which types?Exercise 3 Preparing andObservingaBloodSlide QuestionsA. Describe the ce lls you were able to essay in the blood smear.B. Are the cells you observed in your blood smear different than the bacterial cells you have observed? Why or why not?

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Gender inequality Essay Example for Free

Gender disparity EssayThis is a theoretical flack which views genial institutions as collective tools made to fulfill individual as comfortably as affectionate deprivations of the bigger community. It net incomes attention to the coordinate, works, responsibilities and executing of the troupe as a whole. Society is therefrom seen to rest of subsections of inter-dependent and interrelated spate who work together to attain satisfaction and the survival of the whole purchase order. This thus calls for the corporation to be trained in behaviors and roles that benefit the society, with a deep believe that behavior is structural. The first word form in the social sensitization is whence adherence to values that outline the general guidelines of the social roles and norms. Functionalists military greeting the fact that rules and regulations in the society foster to organize and coordinate genuine relationships mingled with distinct members of the society. The inst itutions tasked with the preceding(prenominal) roles include the economy, family, political and bringing upal systems, which all forms the social structure. Within these institutions, there experience interrelated and unified norms and roles and therefore it is believed to ensure societal conformity.For role model, in the family, the interrelated roles are of sons, daughters, husband, mother and wife. (Amartya, 2001, pp. 19) The guess is viewed from different angles and operates on some key concepts. It first views society as a system. A system is a kitty of interconnected parts making a move towards same equilibrium. Secondly, for a society to survive, it must adjoin some functional requirements that include reproduction among others. Thirdly, different phenomenon exists because they have to serve a function. Aspects like family, religion, order, media and education have their roles to play for betterment of society.In the social liveness, production and distribution of r ight(a)s and services must put on place, administrative justice has to occur, political structure must in place and family structure must exist as a means to re start and maintain social life. The way these roles are carried out obeys norms and structures of the society. An example of functionalism is grammatical gender in comparison. Functionalists generally believe that certain degree of inequality is important and functional for the society the society cannot operate smoothly without a certain inequality degree.In society, functionalists argue that inequalities must exist in the rewards in form of power, prestige, status and income. These disparities will induce each and every(prenominal) individual to perform unequivocal duties. Social inequalities represent natural inequalities which occur in the division of confinement play. Different classes of work produce extra value to the concerned process and therefore require an extra package of reward. In our institutional setting s, different subsections have been introduced to solve some functional and special roles. These put pressure on selected areas and groups and then the idea of inequality.Such micro institutions include operative (production), regulatory, legislatory and distributory prerequisites (Ridgeway, 1992, pp. 55). The reality is that each society and individual need to be engaged in solving problems related to control and coordination, production of goods and services and finally exceed find shell and optimal ways of distributing resources. With increasing population worldwide, problems of feeding the individuals have developed thus creating new and more challenging forms and organizations which can coordinate and control various and distinct social units and excessively develop systems of resource distributions.The only solution to this is introduction of labour specialization and redefinition of assigned duties for fulfillment of contract duties. Ultimately, this results to big man as pect followed by a hierarchical chain with different mandates, duties and privileges. In the societal functioning, the idea of roles is developed into collectivities complementing each other in the functions fulfillment in the society. Most of the roles are bestowed on the social institutions and social structures. The structures perform their roles to assist the society to function.A perfect and equilibrium society is the virtuoso where the role and responsibilities are not conflicting, everyone knows and meets his or her role effectively and no discrimination or stratification. A perfect socialization is attained when all societal norms and values are observed and maintained by everybody in the societal settings. However, our to twenty-four hourss institutions no longer value a leveraged socialization surround. This is because individuals in the changing situations are adapting to their responsibilities finished a role bargaining process. (Dollar and Gatti,1999, pp. 45)The new a nd emerging responsibilities are neer institutional and conformitive, but are rather geared at building different personalities to perform different roles in the same setting. Because the traditional adaptation process can not respond to sharp shocks and speedy radical changes, structural dissolution and dysfunction has occurred, leading to new system or death of the society. after the society dies, the oneness and status equity spirit dies away and people draw demarcation lines between themselves on the basis of social classes and frugal status, hence inequality invades the social system.(Dollar and Gatti, 1999, pp. 89) Functionalist analysis perspective recognizes the society to be composed of various components, the institutions which are functional. Within them there must be institutional roles to be played such that social coherency and mutuality is an objective at heart many of them. The social structure is therefore bound to attain wide range of inclination, a sense whic h cant stomach them to concentrate primarily on societal affairs. This classifies the institutions with respect to time into either functional or dysfunctional. In this case only only power and coercion can be used to attain functionalism.This motility makes such institutions to develop other alternatives to fulfill the societal functions. Such alternatives are roughlyly made to help attainment of the institutional goals heedless of whether functionalism is attained or not. When functionalism dies, the institutions are never society friendly and therefore the tendency of status quo is approved and then inequalities rise up. Functionalists maintain their stand on the societal solidarity, without underestimation the stratification issue, which is prevalence of hierarchical arrangement of different social classes.Functional prerequisites also include canonic needs such as food, shelter, money and clothing. It is believed that social stratification is necessary in stabilization pr ocess of the society. This strategy comes along with inaccessibility of resources and the lack of social mobility due to the decay of functionalism. Stratification means that people at the working class have lower chances to advance socioeconomically, at the same time the plastered continue exploiting proletariat generation, one after the other (Amartya, 2001, pp. 106). Functionalists have also found out that social classes are based on the power over the production process.In this case where function of leafy vegetable goodness is dead, the ruling class is the bourgeoisie and the working class is known as proletariats. These groups hijack and relieve oneself control of not only production process but also its intermediary means of production. They then strengthen their relationships based on exploiting the rest of the mass in the society. At this stage the society undergoes revolt and all former social patterns are dropped to give room to the emerging trend of living. This soci al stratification does not only manifest economic inequality but also power and status differentials. (Lorber, 2001, pp.67) Functionalist theory says that there exist four classes in stratification that betray societal togetherness and commonplace equilibrium. These classes are upper-class upper class, the propertied-less or white collar workers, petty bourgeoisie and working class. Functionalism is a field of eyeshot that puts attention to values and norms of the society. As a matter of diversity, it is the time to think in other term that would release the society from the inapplicable chores that have been bypassed by time. The theory creates gender roles throughout ones life, permeating from chelahood to adulthood.According to the thought, this helps in structuring parenting and marriage patterns. In the mean time, the theory has been outdated because everyone has the sponbsilbility of responding to economic challenges of the family as well as family chores. Studies have tr ied to compare the way functionalistic theory assigns different duties with respect to gender, and the real life situation given the dynamicity with time. Revelation has been made that women are currently taxed with both work, majority of home chores and child care. On the other hand men are no longer the sole breadwinners of the family (Lorber, 2001, pp. 76).Despite economic contribution, it has been noticed that women have maintained the care giving responsibility in their familial context. As a result, functionalists view family as one of the components of social structure which its goals should be compatible and aimed at and common goal for mutual benefit. If the family is characterized by the above injustices in the allocation of family chores, then the theory flops in performing its duties as a societal conformer. By critically looking at functionalism, it existed and considered lightly the suppression of women in the family, which was considered the most vital institution.Eve n if the functionalists failed to articulate the conflicts and tensions in the family, they really existed if they were not about to. If that is not the case then functionalist oversimplified their analysis of women concerning work and family and only concentrated on the positive impacts of the family to the society at the cost of women. The mystery in this theory is contributed by lack of the realization that a change can occur in the society that can lead to rebellion or innovation. Some changes build up rebellious aviation and thus the society undergoes dissolution.There was also the necessity to consider the effect of both manifest and potential functions in relation to functionalism. Manifest functions are conscious intentions of the actors, whereas latent functions are objective results of their actions and that are unintended. To pass this theory from a personal point of view, a more comprehensive study into the gender inequality in both economic and the social arrangemen ts in our contemporary world is necessary. In day to day life, women collaborate with men in ambiqous and complex ways, with different deprivations and rewards.I think that gender equity tippy indicators should be developed to enable the functionalism, theory to gain meaningful momentum and focus on common good, an environment without deprivation and stratum. (Ridgeway, 1992, pp. 34) It would be relevant to explore why womens contributions and efforts do not grow commensurate returns. To excel in this analysis, these indicators should be developed and used, they should be formulated and utilized and identify unrecognised women efforts that go uncompensated.When inequalities hit a society, disparities are witnessed in such as men and women, social classes, racial groups and regional population. In terms of education all possible efforts should be made ensure equality in providing equal opportunity and realization of equal results to each student depending on personal aptitudes, in terests and abilities regardless of gender. Discrimination on gender basis is usually demonstrated by factors such as exam result, response of teachers, enrolment levels, interaction of teachers with various topics, students and topics in the take aim environment.(Amartya, 2001, pp. 31) Functionalists did not consider these kinds of disparities that were covered within the society. School is one of the social institutions that these thinkers believed contributed to social harmony. They could as well consider harmonization issues within the school that are inhuman. If every aspect of humanity was to be put into consideration, then it could not apply to the larger society at the same time ignoring the oneness in the institutions themselves.If school was seen a good essence for transmitting and instilling those values, it should serve as the best example in exercising and applying them in every day life situation. The functionalists should rise to the reality and accept that women a re not objects in any frame-up they can and do deliver vital and basic responsibilities that should be recognized, appreciated and rewarded. In the working environment the sense of humanity and gender equity must also prevail to pave way for justice. In some institutions, there is no subjection and objection to state or federal laws that guard gender biasness.Instead, discrimination has featured in areas of training, firing, placing, selecting and evaluating employees. When it comes to training, some training programes are made specifically for men, especially in the top management section. The reality is that women can even deliver more than or equally as men in these areas and therefore equal opportunities should be availed to all, keeping in mind work campaign is made to utilize the capabilities of all employees for betterment of the institution or organization.(Lorber, 2001, pp. 134) From a personal view point, the labour market should not reflect lingering, pervasive and syste mic inequality of sexes in society. I therefore uphold for policy for policy reforms at provincial and federal government to encourage change. Affirmative action through quota policies should be introduced to regard childcare as of paramount importance. Government policies should also address the demands of childbearing.In the working environment, it is believed that women work in part-time or in fields that are not self-directed which pay less, few women work for foreign firms which pay better and the believe that women work for wages tied to performance and therefore earn less. The policy reforms I recommend should address all these injustices. To conclude, functionalism theory can best deliver if it applies the strategies right from the micro institutions themselves then stretch to the entire society.This is because if the social institutions are weak or insufficiently apply these values, the entire society is bound to fail.ReferenceDollar, D. and Gatti, R. (1999) Gender dissim ilitude, Income and Growth Are good times good for women? London, Routledge Amartya (2001) The Many faces of gender Inequality. Journal of gender and gender inequality, Vol. 43 Lorber, J. (2001) Gender Inequality Feminist Theories and Politics. New York, Roxbury Publishers Ridgeway, C. (1992) Gender, Interaction, and Inequality. London, Springer

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Car Accidents Essay Example for Free

elevator car Accidents EssayI. The schoolchild conglutination has the following objectives for a part university.A. Enhance the unity between students and uphold the ties between them and other members of university community.B. Spread the culture and encourage the formation of Active Working Groups (AWGs) and student associations, and organize work between them and supporting their activities by providing financial support and manpower if needed.C. Work on resoluteness the problems of students and provide a better university life within the university and beyond. D. Discuss the problems of the students and propose solutions to them, with the concerned authoritatives and c ar afterwards the rights and interests of students.E. Expressing the studentcommunitys opinion on national and international levels.F. Discover the talents and abilities of the students, help them better their Skills, enhance their leadership skills and encourage them to benefit their society.II. The fo rmation of the bookman confederation consists of a learner Council, sextuplet committals, chairwomanial Cabinet, Senate, Clubs Coordination perpetration (CCC), and the Student Union Partnership Office (SU PO). (Show slide and retrovert out the brochures) A. The Student Council is the students voice and it is concerned with their opinion on only matter and decisions directly tie in to them. Its formation is1. The Faculty Union which is obligated for looking after each(prenominal) faculty needs. It consists of twain members from each faculty in each committee. There are a hot seat and a Faculty financial officer for each faculty elected directly by students. 2. The University Union which is trustworthy for looking after the university needs. It consists of bingle member from each faculty in each committee. There is a head for each committee elected internally by the members of each committee.3. In each committee the leash members are from three different Academic year s.4. The elections for the high board is required which is done within the student council itself. It consists of the presidential Cabinet, half-dozen heads of the committees of the University Union and six faculty presidents from the Faculty Union.5. The Student Council committees are as followsa. Scientific Technological Activities Committee holds workshops and lectures aiming at developing the scientific and technological abilities.b. Culture, Arts Political Awareness Committee supports and organizes cultural and artistic activities seminars, conferences, exhibitions, debates and all forms of political activities.c. Planning Resources Committee which is responsible for preparing the needed resources for the events. It also helps to plan and organize the events.d. Sports Committee supports and organizes training programs, tournaments and all forms of sportive activities.e. Trips Social activities Committee organizes educational and entertainment trips.f. Public Environment al serve strive to increase environmental awareness between students and organize events and activities.B. The Presidential Cabinet of theStudent Union manages the affairs of the Student Union and supervises its progress. It is tasked with1. Acting as chief typical and spokesperson of the Student Union.2. Ensuring that all committees are functioning properly and fulfilling their duties.3. Ensuring that the objectives of the Student Union are realized.4. Calling at least two general meetings every semester, attended by all Student Union members including members of the Senate.5. Calling weekly meetings to reason the progress of work in the Student Union.6. After the new President is elected the former President has to handle all the properties of Student Union such as the Student Union room and its belongings, the official page on facebook, the e-mail7. The Presidential Cabinet consists of four core positions. They are as followsa. Vice-President which is responsible for fulfillin g any tasks of the Student Union President that are delegated to him/her or that the President is unable to perform.b. Treasurer which is responsible for the Student Union budget, its financial statements and its financial affairs.c. Vice-President for Events Student Activities which is responsible for coordinating the events between the different entities in the Student Union and between the Student Union and the Clubs Coordination Committee.d. Vice-President for Planning and Resource which is responsible for conducting a timeline for the Student Union events, and providing the resources needed.C. The Student Union Partnership Office consists of the Student Union President and the six heads of the University Union Committees. It aims to form a bond between the Student Union in the university and Student Unions of foreign universities, to exchange information, experiences educational programs.D. The Senate consists of two elected members from each faculty each given the appellati on Senator. The Senate is responsible for evaluating the performance of the Student Union members and recommending corrective action where and if needed.E. The Clubs Coordination Committees purpose is to aid clubs to coordinate with each other and it reports directly to the Student Union president. It consists of a representative of every club in the university delegated by heads, Vice president of events and activities, and director of youth welfare.III. There are some rules and regulations for the nominee.A. Not under probation.B. No history of disciplinary actions.C. Not been terminated from the previous Student Union. D. Paid the Student Union annual fees.E. Spent at least two semesters as students at the GUC. F. Not a member of any active working group.CONCLUSIONI. SummaryA. The Student Unions main aim is to discuss the problems of the students and propose solutions to them.B. The Student Union consists of Student council, six committees, Presidential Cabinet, Senate, Clubs Coo rdination Committee (CCC), and the Student Union Partnership Office.C. The solution is to vote for the most competent nominee and attend the debates in order to choose the best program provided by the nominees for a better university life.II. ClincherA. Please vote to support the students right.B. Campaigns and a booth are held to show the importance of pick out for the Student Union.BIBLIOGRAPHYBy-Laws of the General Assembly of the Student Union in the German University in Cairo 2013 Student Union Bylaws presentation

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Towards Equality Of Women Essay Example for Free

Towards E attribute Of Women Es place directlyadays, gender became a very sensitive issue. The word gender is not only limited to womens rightist and maleness. Other than that, feminist dismissments ar very active. They claim that man and women should be equally treated. Certain jobs and c beer should not be limited to a specific gender. There is besides a kind of feminist movement that claims that women batch do masculine work and engage in masculine sports. Examples atomic number 18 women who are working as cab drivers, police, and soldiers and joining sports such as weight lifting, wrestling, and boxing. Sapphireblue.com defines amazon womens liberation movement as follows amazon womens lib is dedicated to the image of the female hero in fiction and in fact, as it is expressed in art and literature, in the physiques and feats of female athletes, and in sexual values and practices.Amazon feminism is concerned roughly individualal equality and is opposed to gender ro le stereotypes and discrimination against women based on assumptions that women are supposed(p) to be, look or behave as if they are passive, weak and physi pealy helpless.Amazon feminism rejects the predilection that certain characteristics or interests are inherently masculine (or feminine), and upholds and explores a vision of heroic wo humans. Thus Amazon feminism advocates e.g., female strength athletes, martial artists, soldiers, etc. TG In my own opinion, feminism and masculinity are only defined by the hostel. Masculinity just varies and it depends on how it is viewed in a elaboration. For example, in that respect was a time in Japan when crying and being soft was their idea of masculinity. This view of masculinity top executive shock us because of our modern view but there was a time when it really existed in Japan. It is very interesting to know that there was as well a time in Japan when masculinity means being a warrior or a samurai. It only means that an era or kitchen-gardening sets the standard of masculinity and there is no such thing as absolute masculinity. On the other(a) hand, there are people who think that there is such word as too masculine. It only means that an image or nature of work display too much quality that only man scum bag satisfy. This word disqualifies any woman from doing or fulfilling that too masculine province. Now that we are living in a modern society, I think that the word too masculine is no longer applicable. Thanks to some feminist movements, economic aider or any other responsibility are no longer limited to a specific gender. Any person, man or woman, is entitle to a career or responsibility as long as he or she is qualified. Actually, there are a lot of woman who are excelling in those fields which are traditionally for men.Examples are successful political runningers such as Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of the Philippines, Benazir Bhuto of Pakistan, and Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain. They have pro ven that women can lead a nation as long as effective as men. Here, we can see that leadership position in the field of politics is no longer too masculine for a woman.Personally, I dont believe in the word too masculine anymore. When I was a endureer student, I used to believe that each gender has a specific responsibility assignment. For example, taking care of children is for women only because of their gentle nature. But now, my mind was opened by feminist movements. Women can do rugged work because they can also display strong character. On the other hand, men can also take the responsibility of women because they also have a gentle side. Although feminist movements promote gender equality, it also has a negative impact in our society. Based on what I observe in our society, manhood is no longer respectable. Sometimes, I feel that women are abusing gender equality. As a matter of fact, there is a kind of feminist movement which claims that men are no longer needed in the so ciety. It is called radical feminism. About.com defines radical feminism as followsRadical feminism is a philosophy emphasizing the antiquated roots of inequality between men and women, or, more specifically, social dominance of women by men. Radical feminism views patriarchy as dividing rights, privileges and power primarily by gender, and as a result oppressing women and privileging men.Radical feminists tend to be more militant in their approach (radical as getting to the root). Radical feminism opposes subsisting political and social organization in general because it is inherently tied to patriarchy. Thus, radical feminists tend to be skeptical of political action within the current system, and instead support cultural change that undermines patriarchy and associated hierarchical structures. Even media promotes an image of a man that is submissive to women. Example is the Ax deo spray commercial message where men act like sex slaves of women. Also, media nowadays suggest t hat women can use sex and their physical beauty to manipulate men. During our pre-agricultural past, when men and women are still hunters and gatherers, gender equality already exists. We can say that gender equality already exists because men and women are living in a egalitarian society. They had what we call values of belonging which is characterized by self restraint, generosity and mutuality. As explained by Carol Finders in tworock.com end-to-end the eons that preceded the agricultural revolution, Flinders notes, our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. Certain values are intrinsic to that way of life wherever it is lived. Self-restraint, generosity, mutuality, balance, and a warm reverent connection to the earth and other creatures are all adaptive to a nomadic, foraging existence. They are the values of Belonging, and they defined the human condition for so long they exist still in longing, in faint memory as an indestructible stratum in consciousness itself. On the other han d, the elaboration of enterprise started to emerge during agricultural development. manpower and women started to acquire their own property. In the culture of enterprise, aggression and controversy are prevalent. As stated by FindersWith the rise of agriculture and city-states, beginning just ten grand years ago, a new set of values became adaptive irreverence, provideingness to exploit the natural world for gain ground acquisitiveness, aggression, and competitiveness. The values of Enterprise.I think that it is not necessary to take more of values of belonging because it is no longer applicable to our society. Culture of enterprise is well stabilized in our society and changing it may cause instability. Although aggression and inequality is inevitable in the culture of enterprise, I believe that we can rule it by promoting positive values such as justice and respect. I chose education as a subject area to discuss the contrast between values of belonging and culture of ent erprise. It is obvious that the culture of enterprise is very dominant in field of education. Nowadays, education is used to promote a person from his or her current social status. We can notice that mostly, education is only exclusives to the rich and middle fork people.It is because educating the poor will surely uplift the status of poor people. If everyone can have an equal luck for education, poverty will be lessen. Here, the characteristic of the culture of enterprise is very evident and these are aspiration and acquisitiveness. We cant deny the fact that educated people acquire the most number of properties and wealth. Meanwhile, if our society is still living in the values of belonging, definitely education will be free for all. Because in the values of belonging, everyone is equal and there is no competition. We can apply the culture of enterprise to those societies where there is gender inequality. In those cultures where women are treated as second class citizen, women are deprived of the rights to education. It is because education can uplift the status of women in the society. better women will threaten the status of men in the society. Educated women can acquire more property than educated women. Here we can see that there is aggression and competition which are qualities of culture of enterprise. I believe that moving the values of belonging can be a solution to this gender inequality in education because the said values promote equality. When we move to the values of belonging, there will be an absence of competition between men and women in the society. Men will not be threatened by educated women. Equal opportunity for education will be easy to achieve.http//www.tworock.org/Values%20of%20Belonging.htmhttp//www.sapphireblue.com/dissident_feminist/factions.shtmlamazon

Monday, April 8, 2019

Embryonic Stem Cell Essay Example for Free

Embryonic chemical group Cell EssayThe death of pitying embryos is required for obtaining nucleotide cells. Alleviating homo suffering costs human life and this gives rise to the ethical issue of taking human life. Some people have opined that destroying human life is immoral and should non be pard unmatchabled. Nevertheless, the situation remains that embryonic arc cells provide advanced medical treatment for oddment diseases (Oz). The ethicists propose alternate options such as the determination of braggy base of operations cells instead of embryonic stem cells.From this one can conclude that the major ca work for debate on the issue of using stem cells derives from divergent opinions on the definition of life and not from a rejection of the principle which claims that the end does not condone the means or lack of faith in the latent possibilities of this technology (Oz). Scientists ar trying to pause a system, wherein stem cells can be produced without destr oying the embryo and which enables the embryo to develop normally. This method would provide an alternative to using human embryos for making stem cells.However, interrogation projects in this area have been kept in abeyance since August 2001, due to the lack of federal funding by the government of the US. Moreover, the White signboard has adopted the stance that it requires further information to support such research and President Bush verbalize that he was desirous of perusing roughly more reports about such research (Stem-cell breakthrough such(prenominal) heat, little light). The Catholic Church was vehemently opposed to such research as it stated that no(prenominal) of the embryos used for such research had give outd.These church authorities made veiled hints that details about the spirit of such research were not being fully divulged. The White House stated categorically that both use of human embryo for research purposes would be viewed seriously (Stem-cell breakthr ough much heat, little light). The or so vehement critic of such research was Richard Doerflinger of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, who accused the researchers in this field of operation of committing acts of falsehood, because of the fact that none of the embryos used in the study had survived.In this research a total of xvi embryos had been used and all of them, without exception, had been destroyed during the course of these experiments. Moreover, he accused the researchers of having utilized a number of cells from separately embryo instead of using just a couple of cells for that purpose, because while implanting embryos in genetic diagnosis, one or two stem cells are normally used (Stem-cell breakthrough much heat, little light). In the United States there are nearly three hundred and sixty fertility clinics, which conduct in vitro fertilization procedures for infertile couples.The clinics extract twenty four ova from each fe anthropoid client. Subsequently, these ova are fertilized with the sperm of male donors, usually the husband. Afterwards, either two or four embryos, obtained by this fertilization process are selected and embed in the womb of the female client, with the expectation that at least one of these will develop and survive a pregnancy to term. The remaining embryos are then discarded by some of the clinics.However, some clinics use the excess embryos for imparting medical training. Most of these clinics deep freeze the excess embryos in liquid north and some clinics use the excess embryos as an alternative if no pregnancy is fixd. Such clinics administer a repeated impregnation to woman clients, who failed to become pregnant by previous implantations of embryos. In addition, some couples accede their own embryos to other infertile couples however, donating embryos is a rare event because clients generally do not cull to see their child in some other family.Eventually, most of the excess embryos remain as spare, wintery embryos, which are never used. President George W. Bush for the second time refused to accord his consent for a interchange of legislation that would permit federally funded research on embryonic stem cells. The proposed legislation would have repealed the bear restrictions on research in the field of embryonic stem cells. The advocates of such research made a number of concerted attempts to override the veto of the President but all their efforts were in vain.They were unable to realize the two thirds votes, which are essential for overriding the presidential veto (Minkel and Stein). The proposed legislation would have permitted research on cells extracted from excessive and unneeded embryos at fertility clinics. In a survey conducted by Science, it was revealed that more than sixty percent of patients who had excess embryos in the fertility clinics had come forward to donate their embryos for research on stem cells and only twenty percent of patients had stated that they would donate their excess embryos to other infertile couples (Minkel and Stein).During the annual league of the American Academy of Pediatrics, US researchers reported that stem cells taken from amniotic fluid had proved to be extremely effective in repairing uncollectible tracheas of lamb fetuses. In that research study, scientists isolated mesenchymal stem cells in the samples of amniotic fluid taken from pregnant sheep. Subsequently, these cells were grown in a culture and afterwards they were transferred to biodegradable tubes in order to form cartilage.After the transplantation of these tissues into the fetuses of sheep, it was found that the tissue had effectively mended defective tracheas in seven lamb fetuses. Moreover, the new born lambs did not display any respiratory problems (Stem success). Human embryonic stem cells act as master cells that develop any cell in the human body. The footprint of the stem cell research was significantly accelerated in the year 1998. Researcher s in the University of Wisconsin succeeded in separate cells from the inner cell clusters of the early human embryo.These early human embryos are termed as blastocysts. These scientists developed the set-back embryonic stem cell lines (Stalcup). Stem cells represent a major breakthrough in medical therapy because they can be used either in the treatment of terminal diseases or for the purpose of assuaging diseases. Stem cells generate replacement tissues for defective or non functioning cells or organs in the human body. Researchers are extremely sanguine in using this therapy in spinal cord injuries due to accidents, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease and diabetes (Stalcup).Scientists in this field of research hope to utilize specialized cells to replace defective cells in the brain, spinal cord, pancreas and other vital organs of the body. Stem cells exist in one hebdomad old embryos or blastocysts. They are created through the process of in vitro fertil ization or IVF and are present in five to nine week old embryos, embryos created through IVF for research purposes, embryos made through clone or somatic cell nuclear transfer or SCNT, and the adult tissues available in umbilical cord blood and bone marrow (Stalcup).Widespread criticism has been aimed at the making of stem cells from human embryos and fetuses. Extracting stem cells from the embryo invariably results in the destruction of the embryo. Embryonic stem cells in the earlier spot of development are called totipotent cells. Totipotent cells have the capability to develop into a put down existence and produce an embryo and tissues to support it in the uterus. Subsequently, these stem cells reach the development coif and at this pointedness they are called pluripotent embryonic stem cells (Stalcup). Pluripotent embryonic stem cells can exist and develop into any graphic symbol of cell in the body.However, unlike totipotent cells, pluripotent cells cannot produce suppor ting tissues. Thus the stem cells found in the early stage embryos potentially possess the ability to transform into any type of body cells, whereas adult stem cells do not have such capability (Stalcup). The extant thinking amongst the world all-embracing scientific community is that human embryos are principally human beings. Such thinking has been engendered by the fact that human embryos are biologically human beings moreover, life begins at fertilization and embryos grow and develop into complete human beings.In the 1970s and 1980s, embryologists termed the human embryo in its first week as a pre embryo. They claimed that this pre embryo was not a human being. They also believed that due to development they gradually gained the status of human beings. However, the scientific community desisted from using the term pre embryo due to the fact that such a description was incorrect. Furthermore, the Human Embryo Research Panel and the National Bioethics Advisory Commission also re jected use of the term and declared that the human embryo from its very inception was a living organism and developing form of human life.According to the 1995 Ramsey Colloquium statement, an embryo is a human being in its developmental stage and it cannot be referred to as any object or animal (Stalcup). The general consensus is that the forced sacrifice of some human beings for the benefit of other human beings is not correct from an ethical point of view. Hence research on human embryonic stem cells that are obtained by destroying human embryos is to be prohibited on grounds of general morality (Stalcup).

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Four hours with the CSPD Essay Example for Free

Four hours with the CSPD EssayI want to express my gratitude and share my ride-a-long experience. The first topic I had to do was contact the Colorado Springs Stetson Hills Area Command to schedule my ride-along. I hear the departments ride-along course of study policy and I received instructions on what I had to do to fulfill the infallible program requirements. Once the initial paperwork was done, a few signatures, a waiver and a criminal background k instantaneouslyledge check, I was ready to go.On the twenty-four hour period of my ride-along while in the delay room I met other person who was on a ride-along for class credit as well. After newly hour of waiting I finally met my officer. The officer that was chosen to allow me to ride-along was a female officer. Following her introduction we headed tabu to the Charger. I was giving a walkie-talkie with an earpiece so that I could listen to the communication from the dispatch. We entered the vehicle, buckled up and sta rted on our way. In the cruiser the officer had logged into her laptop to check her files and looked at whatsoever updates on her calls. I was informed that my experience would vary just as much as the calls that the officers went out on from day to day. Some of my responsibilities were that I had to be self-sufficient, be able to think ahead, have the ability to know where I was and most importantly enjoy myself.Our first call was about an attempted shoplifting at a Safeway store. I had the opportunity to drive around the neighborhood and see homes were suspected criminal activity was believed to be. We alike responded to a runaway from home. The last thing we did was make a traffic stop for an expired pass plate registration.The great thing about the day was that I was able to ask her questions about how truth procedures work and how they operate.My hope after this experience is that more people will carry themselves in the style I observed during my ride-along and recognize what an asset and a delight our officers are to our city. I am now a huge fan of law enforcement because all the officers I saw or had contact with were kind, facilitative and efficient. They often work alone, in remote areas. What was interesting to me was the amount of conservation the Officer engaged in. It was revealed by the ride-a-long that Officers do much more than enforce laws. An Officers job is much more than writing tickets. They conduct current public relations. What a wonderful experience for me to see officers respond to incidents involving citizens and watch them handle situations in the comparable way I believe I would.I now have a arrestly contrastive outlook and understanding of what our men and women in law enforcement must do every day to give us safe. I was very impressed with the way they all conducted themselves while performing their duties. They were professional and considerate in the way he interacted with the people they had contact with through out my ride-along. Each person was treated with the analogous level of respect. Watching the officer perform her duties made me feel completely safe as she showed complete competence. I found this experience to be informative and I saw a side of law enforcement that most of us never see. I recommend that others in our community spend time with our officers, as I did.My ride alone ended up after four hours and it was certainly eye-opening experience. I interpret so much with the police officers now. Also I think that everyone should go do a ride-along program at least once in their lifetime, it will change the way you think about them. By the time we finished, I didnt witness any arrests or have the opportunity to blow through any red lights with blaring sirens but I was still impressed. For me it was a pretty fulfilling shift. I got to participate in the Colorado Springs Police Departments Ride-along program and I got to ride shotgun with one of the Springs finest. She even offere d to let me full point on until her shift ended if I wanted to. The officer said that this ride-along was a pretty run-of-the-mill shift. Fortunately, there was no major violence during my ride. My hope, after this experience, is that more people will do a ride-along and recognize what an asset and a delight our officers are to our city.